It’s Time For A Digital Reset

Excessive device use poses a danger that is hidden in plain sight. These ‘digital drugs’ threaten to rob an entire generation of American children of their individual and collective ability to thrive and live healthy lives.

Using research-based evidence, WiFi has uncovered how excessive device use is negatively impacting healthy brain development, well-being and health risk behaviors among teens, leading to poor academic performance and a rise in mental health issues.

In collaboration with educators, neuroscience experts, and clinical psychologists, WiFi has developed a series of tools and resources for parents, educators, and other stakeholders to change teens’ smartphone use and habits, as well as educate decision-makers on how to protect adolescents’ healthy development.

“I, personally, based on the data I’ve seen, believe that 13 is too early … If parents can band together … as a group, we’re not going to allow our kids to use social media until 16 or 17 or 18 or whatever age they choose, that’s a much more effective strategy in making sure your kids don’t get exposed to harm early…”

— Vice Admiral Vivek Murthy, MD, MBA
U.S. Surgeon General 
